Carpe diem—“seize the day.” As I look into the smiling eyes of my infant son and experience the warmth of his vigorous, chubby little body wriggling in my arms, I feel the fulness of the moment and sense a glimmer of eternity. I say to myself, Seize the moment, seize the day, seize the joy. A scripture naturally comes to mind: “Men are, that they might have joy” (2 Ne. 2:25). What a joy it is being a mother!
I agree whole heartedly with this, seize the joy of being a mother!
My boys are just the greatest! I love it when they are using their imagination, playing, telling me stories...Sometimes they do such funny stuff!
At the Girls Camp silent auction last month L saw this giant teddy bear that he just HAD to have. He told me, "Mom, lets just take it now so no one else does" I told him it didn't work that way, he was on pins and needles until the end. One of the sweet YW there stood by L and made sure that no one would out bid his bid! So he got it, we named him Bernard and he is just the coolest bear ever, L said he loves stuffed animals because its so fun to snuggle them and it makes him think of snuggling me!
R is always trying to be sneaky, he is always trying to scare me, too bad I have awesome Mom powers and it never works. I have overheard him tell his friend one day, "She always knows cuz' she's a Mom!" But I have to give him some credit for perseverance. On Saturday we were cleaning and organizing all day, so I was in and out of rooms, and in that "cleaning mode". Well that sneak snuck into my room and stood in my dark closet and waited very quietly. The door was 1/2 open and he was just standing there staring at me like he was this creepy kid, I saw him in the corner of my eye and it totally made me jump! He was so ecstatic that he finally "got" me after (as he said it) 8 long years of trying to scare me! So funny!
He is also into making forts all the time. The other night after I finished up an essay I found him like this:
That goofy boy, he's a bit too long for this one!
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