J is home! Hooray!!!!!
This song kept going through my head "Daddy's Homecoming"
Yesterday we cleaned the house top to bottom, packed a few snacks and drove to the base to be checked through a few security checkpoints, bused down to the pier, and then wait for hours for J's sub to dock. The Navy had a clown couple doing face painting and balloon animals for the kidos, the boys picked sword balloons, then R got a leprechaun on his hand and L got a Lion on his hand. There were cookies, soda, and juice as well. We only froze a little, the boys were practically angels, and then there he was, the man of the hour! After some huggin we got to go on the sub with J and get his stuff, the boys loved crawling around his bunk and using the subs bathroom! Afterwards we got bused back to the jeep and went to Applebees for some grub. It is so nice to have him home, J is one great fella, we just love him so much!
Yeah for dad's! It's great that they make it so fun for the kiddos too. Welcome back. It's always nice to get em' home--From wherever they've been!!
I am glad he has arrived safely home.
What a special reunion... Welcome home! I bet the boys are deliriously happy to have their dad home!
I am glad that the fam is all together again! My husband is thinking of joining the National Guard...I gotta admit I think the whole dad being gone all the time is really hard. Let me know if you have any advice!
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