L-He is definitely growing into that next age level. We have to be more firm with him, give him more responsibilities, and make him pay the consequences for doing something wrong. He has his own ideas on life; he has his own passions, likes, and dislikes. So far he dislikes this new way we are treating him! But...he is still our 4 year old, and he is still that little boy...
Yesterday J was humming a tune and L asked him what he was singing. J said-Nothing. L-What was it Dad? A primary song or somefing?
J-No, but do you know primary songs L?
L-Yes! A popcorn one!
Then he goes on to describe a song he knows...
L- I look out the window, and there is a tree... And then I look on the tree and there is popcorn on it! That's all I know.
He really likes to say prayer at prayer time. This is how he always starts his prayers, "Thankful for the Father..." It is so cute to me; I think I will miss it when he says, "Dear Heavenly Father". I think he has a certain feeling for the Baby Jesus he has learned about. He knows Jesus is all grown up now, but he just loves the Baby Jesus too! L used to pray that Heavenly Father would turn Jesus and himself back into babies together. He just had a desire to be a baby with Jesus!
R is our #1 boy! He and I can sure butt heads on some days! There are times we think so much alike and some times we are polar opposites (poor kid!). He is so smart, loving, responsible, and funny too!
We like to joke around a lot in our family, a lot! We can also be pretty sarcastic. I like to make puns with R.
One day I made a pun-joke (for the life of me I can't remember it, but it had to do something with his rainbow goldfish crackers) and I said, "Get it! Ha!" R said, very seriously, "Yeah, I got it, but it wasn't very good". Everyone had a good laugh over that one!
One time he told me, "I know why Heavenly Father made you my Mom and me the son, it’s because you joke around so much and I don't, so I'm supposed to make you more serious!"
I love these boys, and I just love being their Mom!
What cute boys! They are getting so big!
Funny kids - You are a great (and entertaining) mom!
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