Christmas came!
J had to work on 7am Christmas Eve and got home at 9am Christmas Day, so the boys and I got the house ready for Santa.
We did some last minute shopping, and our "fancy" holiday lunch and dinner was the ever-so-popular Lunchables, and a frozen pizza! I have to say they were so easy to please and they thought it was just great! (They liked this better than any holiday meal!)
We hung out, talked about Santa and the gifts we would get, played CandyLand and watched Christmas movies. R fell asleep early so L and I put out the milk and cookies. L went to bed and I heard him singing Christmas carols to himself until he fell asleep, So cute!
Then... Santa came!
We opened up our stalkings, ate candy and watched "The Goonies" that Santa gave R while we waited for J to get home to rip open all the presents.
We thought for sure that Santa was bringing a Wii, but he helped another family out instead that J works with and he brought R a Red Rider B.B. Gun, Sling shot, and Pokemon DS game. L got a remote control truck, one cool Dragon, and a dragon DS game. They were the perfect gifts! So maybe some other Christmas Santa will bring the Wii!
Off to a family reunion at 1pm to see the relatives and eat, eat, eat!
It was a great Christmas, it even snowed! (My very own Christmas miracle)
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