Saturday, October 17, 2009


A few things:

~We have had a ton of rain and yesterday R fell on a slippery sidewalk at school and received a small crack in his wrist. He is doing great, just annoyed with his splint and sling!

He couldn't stop laughing while I tried to take his pic....You gotta love teamwork! Here they are playing rockband, R is using his good hand to push the buttons while L is strumming!

~This week J gave L a Faux-hawk, it totally fits his personality and he looks pretty cool!

~Today J got me a new camera, hooray!!!

~Here are some of our pumpkins, I've cooked one and there are a few decorating our piano:

~Here is our front deck J built, it still needs some stairs but those will come after J finishes the sidewalk!

1 comment:

flyingsolo said...

Absolutely beautiful floors and deck! Boys are adorable..GLAD you now have a new camera!! Enjoyed seeing photos.