I just got a call from the principal today...he called to talk to me about R's test scores from a test he took in May, mainly a test that looks at cognitive abilities.
Well, he scored very well and so he will be grouped with about 5 other students in his class this year that scored high as well. There will be a district worker that will come in (not sure how often) but will teach the teacher how to work with R and the other students. He told me that R would be given a lot more challenging work, that there will be much teacher/parent interaction as well. I told him good!
I told R that the principal called to tell us who his new teacher will be, I didn't let him know about the other stuff, he'll figure that out soon enough I think. There's not a lot that that R misses.
What a neat kid, and what a wonderful opportunity (and blessing!) for growth and learning he will have this school year. (there'll be no slackin' off anymore!)
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